October/Octubre 2022

10/11/2022 3:51 pm

2022-2023 School Year

Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

7:00 PM

Present: Piper, Viri, Bev, Associate Principal Annie Orlov


Principal's Update:

  • Movie Night was a success, people liked the Loteria game
  • Fun(d) run was also a success, good weather.  Do we know how much we raised? Not yet
  • Pre-COVID tradition of carving pumpkins for the Highwood Pumpkin Fest.  Kids enjoyed this and partnered up to carve pumpkins.  Younger kids colored or use stickers but older kids did carving
  • Monday: Institute day-OT connected with RO staff for professional learning around structural framework. Question: does RO use one teacher model among all grades?  Two teacher model is a pilot.  We are still collecting data about which model works better.
  • October 26th at 7:45 AM: will host pan con café to connect with parents.  Will plan to have this once per month.  Childcare will be provided.
  • October 18th is safety week: bus evacuation drill and severe weather drill, student leadership squad will lead "stop and think" activities for "what if" scenarios.  I.e. if the fire alarm goes off in the lunchroom.
  • Will begin introduce ALICE safety program.  Social workers will be in the classrooms to help prepare for the drills. 
    • ALICE drill is Friday, November 4th.  We know this can be triggering.  Will engage using a trauma informed approach.  Parents can opt out.  It's about making an informed decision.  Teachers give them indications in the moment.  Typically they will evacuate.  But it depends on the information that is shared.
  • Please be sure to read the Monarch News.


Other PTO Updates:

  • October 13th: Parent Night Out/Backyard Bash, will be hayrides and a possible dance-off
  • Dia de los Muertos: Do the kids want to make paper flowers again this year?  Ms. Pina might coordinate with other 2nd grade teachers. 
  • Halloween: Classroom doors will be decorated with a gratitude and thankfulness theme.  Anita and Val had signed up to do Halloween and Valentine's Day.  They will coordinate supplies.  Mr. C will help. 
    • Will there be a Halloween Parade?  There will be and the information will be available in the Monarch News.
  • Book Fair: November 28-Dec 9th.  Late but can be good for holiday gifts.  Family reading night is Thursday December 8th.  Alyssa Rissman will take the lead on finding readers. 
  • BYG will be later in October or November
  • Spirit Wear: will set a goal date for when we will get spirit wear (before winter break). Teachers will be getting a Highwood/HP sweatshirt as a thank you/delayed start to the year gift.  October 28th is an early release.   Mr. Pizzo will design a spring edition to freshen up the designs.
  • Will plan to sell after chess snacks on October 21st.  And it's 5th grade after school sports.
  • Will plan to do the BMX biker tricks assembly again this year.
  • Sweatshop assembly or martial arts assembly being considered.



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